From 11/26/2024 to 11/26/2024

Lyon - France


The aim of this conference is to present and discuss the main research results of the chair "Social challenges of personalised medicine and innovation in oncology" (French Cancer Institute – INCa, Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University, SHS department of the Léon Bérard Cancer Centre, LYRiCAN+, Cancéropôle CLARA), held by Sylvain Besle. This work is based on the hypothesis that experimental medicine is developing in oncology, where the use of experimental treatments (clinical trials, off-label use of drugs) is becoming the norm. This term, borrowed from Claude Bernard (1865), reflects the proximity between conventional health practices and biomedical research activities. The day will be divided into four sessions covering the main research findings:

Session 1: the role of sequencing technologies in the diffusion of this experimental medicine
Session 2: the transformation of social mobilization around the disease
Session 3: the role of the crisis discourses on innovation and the contestation of randomized clinical trials norm
Session 4: the production of new care pathways and their consequences on social inequalities in health.

Each session will be discussed by researchers from the social and natural sciences, as well as health professionals.