From 11/26/2024 to 11/26/2024

Lyon - France



Welcome and coffee


Opening words

Pr. Norbert Ifrah
President of the French National Cancer Institute – INCa

Introductory session
Social sciences of cancer in medical settings

Jérôme Foucaud
Director of the Social Sciences and Humanities department of the French National Cancer Institute – INCa
Pr. Jean-Yves Blay
Director of the Centre Léon Bérard cancer center – Director SIRIC LYRiCAN+
Pr. Frédéric Fleury or his representative
President of Lyon 1 University
Pr. Pierre Hainaut
President of the Cancéropôle CLARA
Marc Billaud
Cancer Research Center of Lyon – CRCL

Keynote presentation
Enclave of experimental care in oncology

Sylvain Besle
Lyon 1 University - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Pr. Steve Sturdy
University of Edinburgh

Coffee break


Session 1
Genomic Medicine: from research to care

Juliette Froger-Lefebvre
GEMASS, Sorbonne University
Estelle Vallier
Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL

Discussion: Mauro Turrini
Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid

Round table: Genomic medicine for all?

Claire Beaudevin
CNRS - Cermes3
Carine Vassy
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
Anne Mc Leer
Bio-pathology department of the Léon Bérard cancer center

Session 2
Parents’ mobilizations and europeanization of healthcare for children with cancer

Solenne Carof
GEMASS, CNRS Sorbonne University
Sylvain Besle
University Lyon 1, Cancer Research Centre of Lyon - CRCL, Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center

Discussion: Ayo Wahlberg
University of Copenhagen

Round table: Parents‘ and patients’ associations, research partners?

Nadège Corradini
Institute of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (IHOPe)
Sandrine de Montgolfier
SESSTIM (IRD, Inserm, Aix Marseille University)
Sandrine Knobé
University of Strasbourg
Anita Kienesberger
CCI Europe

Lunch break


Session 3
The shift of biomedical evidence

Mathis Bernard
Lyon II University - Triangle- Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Sylvain Besle
Lyon 1 University - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center

Discussion: Pr. Anne Kerr
University of Glasgow

Round table: Towards the end of randomised clinicals trials?

Julien Perron
HCL – Lyon 1 University – Laboratoire RESHAPE
Michel Dubois
GEMASS - CNRS Sorbonne University
Catherine Bourgain
Inserm - Cermes3

Coffee Break


Session 4
Inequalities in access to clinical trials

Emilie Charton
Clinical Research and Innovations departement - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Estelle Vallier
Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL

Discussion: Sophie Day
School of Public Health, Imperial College London - Goldsmiths, University of London

Round table: Access to research: a health inequality?

Arnaud Bayle
INSERM - Paris-Saclay University- Clinical Research Departement- Gustave Roussy Cancer Center
Salvatore Vaccarella
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Helena Revil
Pacte Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5194), Grenoble-Alpes University

Closing keynote session
The end of the biotech regime? Innovation, industry and bedside oncology since 2000

Jean-Paul Gaudillière
Inserm - EHESS – Cermes3