8:30am |
Welcome and coffee
9:00am |
Opening words
Pr Norbert Ifrah
President of the French National Cancer Institute – INCa
9:15am |
Introductory session
Social sciences of cancer in medical settings
Jérôme Foucaud
Director of the Social Sciences and Humanities department of the French National Cancer Institute – INCa
Pr Jean-Yves Blay
Director of the Centre Léon Bérard cancer center – Director SIRIC LYRiCAN+
Pr Crisitna Vieira
Vice-President Reserach of Lyon 1 University
Pr Pierre Hainaut
President of the Cancéropôle CLARA
Marc Billaud
CNRS, Cancer Research Center of Lyon – CRCL - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
10:00am |
Keynote presentation
Enclave of experimental care in oncology
Sylvain Besle
Lyon 1 University - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Pr Steve Sturdy
University of Edinburgh
10:30am |
Coffee break
10:45am |
Session 1
Genomic Medicine: from research to care
Juliette Froger-Lefebvre
GEMASS, Sorbonne University
Estelle Vallier
Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL
Discussion: Mauro Turrini
Institute of Public Goods and Policies (IPP) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid
Round table: Genomic medicine for all?
moderation: Catherine Bourgain
Claire Beaudevin
CNRS - Cermes3
Carine Vassy
Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues, Sorbonne Paris Nord University
Anne Mc Leer
Bio-pathology department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
12:00am |
Session 2
Parents’ mobilizations and europeanization of healthcare for children with cancer
Solenne Carof
GEMASS, CNRS Sorbonne University
Sylvain Besle
University Lyon 1, Cancer Research Centre of Lyon - CRCL, Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Discussion: Pr Ayo Wahlberg
University of Copenhagen
Round table: Parents‘ and patients’ associations, research partners?
moderation: Catherine Bourgain
Nadège Corradini
Institute of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (IHOPe)
Sandrine de Montgolfier
SESSTIM (IRD, Inserm, Aix Marseille University)
Sandrine Knobé
University of Strasbourg
Anita Kienesberger
CCI Europe
1:15pm |
Lunch break
2:30pm |
Session 3
The shift of biomedical evidence
Mathis Bernard
Lyon II University - Triangle- Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Sylvain Besle
Lyon 1 University - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Discussion: Pr Anne Kerr
University of Glasgow
Round table: Towards the end of randomised clinicals trials?
moderation: Marc Billaud
Pr Julien Péron
HCL – Lyon 1 University – Laboratoire RESHAPE
Michel Dubois
GEMASS - CNRS Sorbonne University
Catherine Bourgain
Inserm - Cermes3
3:45pm |
Coffee Break
4:00pm |
Session 4
Inequalities in access to clinical trials
Emilie Charton
Clinical Research and Innovations departement - Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center
Estelle Vallier
Humanities and Social Sciences department of the Léon Bérard cancer center - Cancer Research Centre of Lyon, CRCL
Discussion: Sophie Day
School of Public Health, Imperial College London - Goldsmiths, University of London
Round table: Access to research: a health inequality?
moderation: Marc Billaud
Arnaud Bayle
INSERM - Paris-Saclay University- Clinical Research Departement- Gustave Roussy Cancer Center
Salvatore Vaccarella
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Helena Revil
Pacte Laboratory (UMR CNRS 5194), Grenoble-Alpes University
5:15pm |
Closing keynote session
The end of the biotech regime? Innovation, industry and bedside oncology since 2000
Jean-Paul Gaudillière
Inserm - EHESS – Cermes3